Hodijo Blog RSS
Fight the Holiday Blues
People get Holiday Blues for familiar reasons that are set on blast during the holidays.
Netflix Cancelled My Workout
60% of Americans say they want to get in shape. But a recent survey revealed the reasons they don't:
15% blame watching Netflix.
The Hodijo Way on Black Friday
We’re partnering with our customers to help those in our communities who can’t afford Black Friday or any other sales.
The Warrior Builder
Both the warrior and the builder are excellent motivational mindsets. They help us face challenges and stay focused and complete tasks.
3rd Wave Flow State
Athletes flow with their bodies. Others flow with their minds. Learn the 3rd Wave Flow State that changes lives.
Wishing v. Hoping
Hope asks you to change. It demands action, because hope is anchored in possibility.
Why the flaming head logo?
Hodijo’s logo imagines those same Holy Spirit flames engulfing today’s believers. We are wrapped in the flames of His inspiration, direction and power.
Welcome To The Hodijo Blog
Hodijo is an idea and a process—Christ gives us a mind and spirit that encourages and supports a healthy life.