What’s your excuse?
While over 60% of Americans say they want to get in shape, recent survey revealed some of the many reasons they are missing workouts:
- 40% “too old” (average age of participants 41 years old)
- 42% “not enough time”
- 56% “too tired”
- 36% “too busy at work”
- 33% “the weather is too bad”
- 10% “the weather is too nice”
- 23% “ate too much”
- 15%“watching Netflix”
A couple of these are pretty funny. The one I most relate to is “too old.” When I turned 43 my body really started changing. I gained weight easier, needed reading glasses and started having joint pain after workouts. Aging created a real obstacle to working out.
Fortunately, I’ve been physically active since I was a little kid. It’s in my DNA. I won’t be happy if I can’t run around. Not working out would mean I’d be less fit to do other things I love, like basketball, board sports and golf. The gym is how I maintain balance, flexibility and strength—essentials for an active lifestyle.
Also there are psychological blessings that come from working out. I lose tension. I gain energy. I tackle challenges. I just have a better mindset when I work out.
God made us to move, even when it’s challenging. Let’s get to it.
No excuses.