This is a call to all Happy Warriors!
We need Happy Warriors more than ever. We need those who have learned life is difficult, but refuse to surrender their wonder and joy and hope to the dark forces of fear and despair and cynicism.
Wordsworth wrote long ago of the Character of the Happy Warrior, who answers Heaven’s call with courage and grace and an inner light. The Happy Warrior, who seeks Heaven’s approval above any earthly praise. Today we need women and men built of the same strong stuff to rise up.
Your neighbors and your world need your strength today!
Happy Warriors believe the impossible, and see it come to pass.
Happy Warriors are not naïve, yet are innocent in the face of evil.
Happy Warriors love peace, and fight through the noise to find it.
Happy Warriors embrace the struggle, knowing it is the path to perfection.
Happy Warriors are confident, with the courage they receive in Christ.
Happy Warriors never shrink back, always closing on the enemy.
Happy Warriors fight for others, as love never fails.
Happy Warriors lean on Grace, and extend Mercy and Love.
Happy Warriors press forward, forgetting the past.
Happy Warriors are joyous, the secret of their strength.
Happy Warriors rest, knowing the victory belongs to Him.
Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. 1Timothy 6:12
Photo by Matheus Ferrero